November Board Minutes

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

19 November 2024


Present:  Wendy Wiebe, Maggie Jones, Kay Coburn, James Hiebert, Cathy-Ann Glockner, Paul Cowan, Kate Miers, Leannah Fidler

Staff Present: Ashley Elliott (HR Director, IGM), Sean Silverson (Finance Director, IGM),

Chair: Wendy Wiebe

Recorder: Sadie Yancey (Board Administrative Assistant)


Meeting brought to order at 4:35 pm on Zoom


Adoption of November Meeting Agenda:  M/Paul S/Leannah,  no amendments. All in favour.

Approval of October Meeting Minutes:  M/Paul S/James, no amendments. All in favour.

Approval of consent agenda, including: 

  • Governance Committee minutes 
  • Finance Committee minutes
  • Member Engagement Committee minutes

M/Cathy-Ann S/Kay

Sean answered a director’s question about renovations noted in the Finance Committee Minutes.  This was discussed more fully In Camera. 

CARRIED. All in favour.

Business Arising

  1. Re-assign HR committee and Strike Hiring Committee 
    1. The four directors who volunteered for the HR committee met and discussed the appropriate committee structure to support an effective committee and board holism.

MOTION To strike the Hiring Committee

M/Maggie S/Paul

CARRIED All in favour

    1. This group also proposed that the committees be set as follows.  There was general agreement.
      • HR committee will be Wendy, Paul, Kate
      • Hiring committee will be Maggie, Paul, Cathy-Ann
    1. The chair answered a question –  directors may observe other committee meetings with the committee chair’s consent, but may not vote on committee decisions.
  1. Approve TOR and Work plan
    1. Committees normally review their TOR at the first meeting after being struck, and present changes to the board. 

MOTION To approve the updated TOR and WorkPlan for Governance Committee

M/Cathy-Ann S/Maggie

CARRIED All in favour

  1. Approve Committee Chairs.
    1. Committees who met this month each recommend a committee chair.  

MOTION That Kay act as chair of Governance Committee, Cathy-Ann of Member Engagement, Paul of HR, and James of Finance. 

M/Kay S/Leannah

CARRIED All in favour

  1. Approve board calendar – Being that not all committees were able to update, this was postponed.
  2. Review member feedback  – there was no member feedback this month.
  3. Feedback on CBL 101 – A director shared their thoughts on an interesting and worthwhile training for new directors.  They shared their notes and workshop resources by email.  
  4. Board Dinner – Dec 17th

MOTION To approve an additional $500 to support a board dinner 

M/Paul S/Maggie. 

CARRIED All in favour.

  1. Strategic Planning Session Update
    1. The chair of governance shared initial ideas for a productive, enjoyable strategic planning session in January to review the strategic plan and make sure the co-op is still on course. The directors discussed possible team-building activities to coincide.

IGM Report – Presented by Sean Silverson and Ashley Elliott

  1. Sean shared the financial highlights from the fall Case Lot sale and responded to questions from Directors.  
  2. Sean shared the highlights from the October financials, as circulated.  As with the last number of months, sales and net income continue to be strong, with October sales approximately 8% above the same month last year.
  3. Ashley shared that the Staff Town Hall will be happening on Monday and the IGMs will present relevant information from the Operational Plan.
  4. The IGMs are creating a policy and training to support staff in case of a robbery. 
  5. The salad bar is closed until January due to staffing issues.
  6. Questions from member attendees – There were no non-board members in attendance.

Next Meetings:

Dec 17th – 4:30pm in person, followed by team dinner.

Jan 21st – 4:30 on zoom. 


The meeting adjourned to in camera session at 5:20pm