October Board Minutes

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

22 October, 2024


Present:  Wendy Wiebe, Maggie Jones (Zoom), Kay Coburn, James Hiebert, Cathy-Ann Glockner, Kate Miers, Paul Cowan, Leannah Fidler. 

Staff Present: Ashley Elliott (HR Director, IGM), Sean Silverson (Finance Director, IGM)

Chair: Wendy Wiebe

Recorder: Sadie Yancey (Board Administrative Assistant)

Meeting brought to order at 4:31pm on in the Teaching Kitchen

Adoption of October Meeting Agenda:  M/Cathy-Ann S/Paul,  one item was added to the In Camera session. All in favour.

Declaration of Interests: Wiebe, Cowan, Fidler, and Jones shared potential conflicts of interest as stated in their Statement of Agreement.  No mitigation was necessary at this time. 

Approval of September Meeting Minutes:  M/ Kay  S/James, no amendments. 5 in favour and 3 abstained

Approval of consent agenda, including: 

  • Governance Committee minutes 
  • Board Development Committee minutes

M/Cathy-Ann S/Maggie

CARRIED. All in favour.


Business Arising

  1. Officer election
    1. The chair asked for directors to volunteer for each officer role.  One director volunteered for each role. The officers for October 2024 – October 2025 will be:
      1. President – Wendy Wiebe
      2. Vice President – Kay Coburn
      3. Treasurer – James Hiebert
  2. Assign committees
    1. Directors each shared their preferred committees, then together arranged the committees as follows, with positions required of officers noted.
      1. Finance – James (T), Kate, Paul
      2. Governance – Wendy (P), Kay (VP), Cathy-Ann
      3. Board development – Maggie, James, Leannah.  It was noted that Maggie’s term is ending this year, but she will not run for another term.
      4. Member Engagement – Cathy-Ann, Leannah, Kay
      5. HR – Wendy (P), Paul, Kate, Maggie. It was noted that this is a majority of directors for decisions related to the GM. These directors will meet, review TOR for HR and Hiring Committees and see if they can divide into two committees. 
    2. Directors who served as committee chair last year will convene the committee, who will recommend a chair to the board in November.  
  3. Confirm contact information for each director
  4. Introduce board calendar
    1. The BAA briefly introduced the board calendar.  Each committee will ensure that all of their activities are included in the calendar and the board will review in November. 
  5. There was no feedback from members this month.  The IGM updated directors about an operational request that had been sent to the board. 
  6. Board buddies
    1. The board assigns new directors a ‘board buddy’ that they can ask questions about board process or history.  Cathy-Ann will be Leannah’s board buddy, Maggie will be Paul’s board buddy, and Kay will be Kate’s board buddy.
  7. Manager of the Month – Organizational structure
    1. Ashley presented the current organizational structure and the high-level division of GM duties between the two IGMs. The IGMs responded to questions from directors
  8. Manager of the Month – Do we want to continue?
    1. The governance committee recommended that the board continue to invite a department manager to present at each board meeting.  There was general agreement.
  9. Approve Member Agreement
    1. The governance committee recommended minor amendments to the Member Agreement to accurately reflect the Rules, including specifying that persons must be members for 30 days before voting. 

MOTION To approve changes to the Member Agreement, as circulated

M/Kay S/Cathy-Ann

CARRIED All in favour

  1. Training for Directors
    1. Directors were invited to attend an upcoming ‘Foundations for directors’ training offered by Columinate.  

MOTION Approve $150 US for up to two directors to participate in Virtual CBL 101

M/Paul S/Maggie

CARRIED All in favour


IGM Report – Presented by Sean Silverson and Ashley Elliott

  1. Sean shared the highlights from the September financials, as circulated.  As with the last number of months, sales and net income continue to be strong, with February sales approximately 6% above the same days last year.
  2. Patronage payments will be processed in November. A discussion ensued.
  3. There will be an all-staff meeting in November
  4. Several staff are attending the Columbia Basin Food and Buyers Expo, in Nakusp.
  5. Questions from member attendees – There are no non-board members in attendance.

Next Meetings:

Directors shared their preferences for time and location for the monthly meetings. It was agreed to continue to meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, no earlier than 4:30pm, and that the meetings will alternate between in-person and Zoom.

Nov 19th – 4:30pm on Zoom

Dec 17th – 4:30 pm in person – either with dinner before or an earlier meeting followed by team dinner. 

The meeting adjourned to in camera session at 5:55pm