Cafe Artist Submission
Thank you for your interest in displaying your artwork here at the Kootenay Co-op!
We have some rules for artist to follow if they would like to display or sell their work here in our café seating area.
Displaying Agreement
• Art pieces will remain on display for a 1-month period and will be removed by the artist at a date agreed upon by the artist and Co-op staff
• All sales must me managed by the artist. Our staff will direct all art sales to the artist and no commission will be taken by the Co-op.
• A bio with the artist’s contact info must accompany the art installation.
• Every piece must have an accompanying info card (3.5”x2”) that includes the name of the piece, the artist’s name, and the price. If a piece is not for sale, please indicate this by including ‘NFS’ or ‘Not For Sale’ on the info card.
• Sold items must remain in the café as part of the exhibit until the end of the artist’s term. Exceptions given if a replacement piece can be brought in to replace the sold item at time of sale
• Artwork should not include explicit nudity, sexual themes, depictions of violence, or any other content that may be deemed inappropriate for a public, family-friendly setting. By agreeing to display your work, you affirm that it meets these criteria.
• Any artwork chosen for display will be hanging in a busy public eating area with minimal supervision for theft or vandalism. The Kootenay Co-op assumes no responsibility for theft or damages to the work being displayed.