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Board of Directors
what does your board do?
Your Co-op is guided by a Board of Directors made up of volunteer directors. Directors are Co-op members, elected by the membership – it’s one of the perks of being a Co-op and being a member. You too can run for a board seat when they come available!
Your board of directors meets each month – you can review the minutes online or contact the board if you’re interested in attending a meeting. Between board meetings, each director participates in at least two of our board committees: Governance, Finance, HR, Hiring, Member Engagement, and Nominations. To find out more about your board’s work and your Co-op, check out the board updates, the impact report from recent fiscal year or attend the Annual General Meeting in September.
our board is responsible for key governance issues including:
Articulating our vision, mission, and values
Setting the strategic direction of our business
Recruiting, overseeing, and evaluating the performance of the General Manager
Ensuring the Kootenay Co-op maintains a leadership role in the natural foods industry and co-operative movement
Board of Directors
Your board of directors is comprised of volunteer members who are responsible for the governance of our Co-op. Below you’ll meet the six directors elected by our member-owners and the director elected by our employees as well as our Board Administrative Assistant.
Wendy Wiebe, President
Wendy’s passion for local food systems stems from her own experience growing up on a poultry farm to now owning and developing a 40-acre farm in Glade, alongside her husband and two kids. With this background, she has a deep knowledge of the pressures and issues facing local food producers. Wendy has a Bachelor of Commerce and has financial experience in public and private organizations, allowing her to contribute to our Co-op’s ongoing financial sustainability. As an employee of the Province of BC, she brings experience in working collaboratively and cooperatively to meet the varying needs of diverse stakeholders while achieving organizational objectives.
Wendy joined the board in 2021 and her current term ends in 2024. She is running for re-election in 2024.
Maggie Jones, Vice President
Maggie is a committed and dedicated member of our co-op. She has spent most of her working life in the natural foods industry and has worked with manufacturers, distributors and retailers. Working with the Co-op, serving our membership, our community, supporting local growers and ensuring the Co-op’s health for the future are all very important to her. She loves to cook and has taught many cooking classes at our co-op. She is an avid gardener and keeps bees on her off the grid homestead.
Maggie joined the board in 2017 and her current term ends in 2025.
John Kingsmill, Treasurer
John is a retired lawyer and business executive. Following two decades practicing corporate law in Toronto, Yellowknife and Vancouver, John co-founded a successful Kelowna technology company, serving as its President and CEO. After the company relocated to Texas, he became the CEO of a variety rights management company that licenses intellectual property rights in new fruit varieties throughout the world. He was a joint recipient of a Canadian Government award for excellence in technology transfer. John retired to Kaslo in 2015 to be closer to Johnsons Landing where he’s had a recreational property since 1989 and moved to Kelowna in 2023. He is an active Volunteer Advisor with Canadian Executive Services Organization, Toronto, which provides consulting services to indigenous organizations, small and medium-sized enterprises and governments domestically and internationally. In that role he has provided strategic and organizational planning services in Canada’s Arctic.
John served on the board 2016 – 2023 AGM. He was appointed in November 2023 to fill a vacancy until the 2024 AGM.
Cathy-Ann Glockner, Director
A member of the Co-op since 1990 Cathy-Ann has been involved as a cashier, supplier, Assistant Manager of Customer Service and Front End, Employee Board Director, and avid shopper since joining. She is passionate about the Co-op and brings experiences with our membership, staff, and suppliers to the board. She loves growing flowers and food in her large urban garden as well as playing outdoors in the Kootenays with her friends and family.
Cathy-Ann joined the board in 2023 and her current term ends in 2025.
Kay Coburn, Director
Kay is a retired educator who has had a decades-long interest in how food choices contribute to healthy individuals and communities. Since moving to Nelson 27 years ago, she has always considered the Co-op her primary grocery store. She recognizes the significant and valuable contribution our Co-op makes to our community and is happy to be a part of the team that helps ensure its continued success.
Kay joined the board in 2023 and her current term ends in 2026.
James Hiebert, Director
James has spent his career applying computer science and technology to the earth and environmental sciences and now spends his days making available information about the impacts of climate change on BC and Canada. James has been a lifelong member of co-ops large-to-small and new-to-mature and values the democratic governance that gives us each a voice in shaping the co-op’s direction.
James joined the board in 2023 and his current term ends in 2026.
Mikale Leymann, Employee Director
Mikale has worked at the Co-op for nearly 18 years. Currently you’ll find him at the cash registers and behind the meat counter.
Mikale joined the board in 2023 and resigned in August 2024. A new Employee Director will be elected by the staff to fill the role after the AGM.
Sadie Yancey, Board Administrative Assistant
Sadie is delighted by organization and effective systems. In addition to being our Board Administrative Assistant, Sadie works as the Co-op’s Office Coordinator, making sure our computers, data, internal communication platform and meetings are running smoothly. She has worked at the Co-op since 2014, so you may recognize her from the Produce department or from community outreach events.
what’s new with your board?
want to attend a board meeting?
Contact your Board
Members are welcome to reach out and learn more about our Co-op’s governance, to request to attend a meeting, or just to get in touch!
find us
777 Baker Street
Nelson, BC
V1L 4J5
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