Our Mask Policy
Masks are mandatory to enter the store, no exceptions.
BC Public Health Officer has issued a public health order requiring masks be worn in all retail and indoor public spaces. This means that all customers are required to wear a mask while shopping at the Co-op.
If you are unable to wear a medical or non-medical mask while shopping store, our online shop is available as a free service for members, you can check out our Online Shop here.
Thank you for your continued cooperation.
Caring for Each Other by Self-Screening Before Entering the Store
To help slow the spread of COVID and to keep our staff and customers as safe as possible, we ask you to consider if any of the following applies to you, if so please do not enter our store, and ask about our home delivery and curbside pickup options.
- Fever, cough, sore throat or difficulty breathing
- Sick or feeling unwell
- Been asked to quarantine or self-isolate
- Knowingly interacted with someone who has COVID-19 or is awaiting test results
Please keep the following in mind when shopping in store:
- Do your best to only have one member from your household come in to do the shopping
- Maintain social distance from staff and other customers
- Please wear your mask. And remember, it only counts if it stays over your nose and under your chin the whole time you wear it.
- Don’t shop in the store if you are feeling unwell.
Zero-Violence Policy
Mostly everyone has been kind and thoughtful throughout this situation. Others feel the weight more heavily and have acted out. Reminder that we have a zero-violence policy at the Co-op. This includes verbal aggression of any kind. You will be asked to leave or be banned from the store if you show aggression or violence towards our staff or fellow shoppers.