December Board Minutes

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

December 20 2023


Present:  Wendy Wiebe, Maggie Jones, Mikale Leymman, Kay Coburn, James Hiebert, Cathy-Ann Glockner, John Kingsmill

Staff Present: Ashley Elliott (HR Director, IGM), Sean Silverson (Finance Director, IGM), Byron Hope (Grocery Category Manager, only as noted)

Chair: Wendy Wiebe

Recorder: Sadie Yancey (Board Administrative Assistant)


Meeting brought to order at 4:57pm in the Teaching Kitchen

Adoption of December Meeting Agenda:  M/John S/Maggie, no amendments.  All in favour.

Declaration of Interests: none

Approval of November Meeting Minutes:  M/Cathy-Ann  S/John, no amendments. All in favour.

Approval of consent agenda item to approve: 

    • Governance Committee minutes
    • Strategic Planning Committee minutes 
    • Member Engagement Committee minutes
    • Finance Committee minutes
    • Nominations Committee minutes

M/James S/Kay, All in favour.

Business Arising

  1. Review member feedback – There was no member feedback this month.
    1. There was a brief discussion of member’s perception of patronage return from FY2023
  2. Strike the hiring committee
    1. It is suggested to strike a hiring committee to support recruitment and hiring of a GM.  While the whole board is responsible for hiring the GM, the hiring committee will be responsible for the initial review of resumes, and screening interviews and initial interview.
    2. There is a discussion of the risks and benefits of having three or four directors on the committee.
    3. John, Wendy, Cathy-Ann, and Maggie volunteered to be on the committee.
  3. Discussion of the minutes
    1. The board discussed the level of detail included in November minutes. Several directors noted that they would like to see more detail on non-confidential matters.  ACTION Sadie will add more detail to the December minutes.
    2. ACTION Member Engagement will consider how to communicate more detail to the minutes.
  4. Approve John Cathro as consultant
    1. The strategic planning committee recommends that the board hire John Cathro to meet with the strategic planning committee, and facilitate a half-day session with the board to complete the strategic plan.

MOTION To hire John Cathro to further assist with creating the strategic plan.

M/John S/Maggie

CARRIED All in favour.


5:18pm Byron Hope arrived

      1. Manager of the Month – Category Manager Byron Hope
        1. Byron introduced himself and gave a brief explanation of category management. 
        2. Byron presented PowerBI, a new data analysis tool.  This is an interactive and customizable tool that shows sales over time. Byron demonstrated several business insights with this tool.

5:42pm Byron left

      1. Approve Strategic Planning Committee TOR
        1. The governance committee drafted a terms of reference to define the work of the strategic planning committee. The strategic planning committee has reviewed the document and approved this TOR.

MOTION To approve the Strategic Planning Committee Terms of Reference 

There was one amendment

M/ John S/Cathy-Ann


IGM Report – Presented by Sean Silverson

      1. The staff discount was increased this month.  Staff can receive the 10% BYOC discount and the stickered discount on top of their staff discount. 
      2. Management continues to work on a grant application. 
      3. The IGMs note that the store has been very busy on the sales floor in the last week. 
      4. Sean presented the highlights of November financials, as compared to November 2022. 


Next Meetings:

January 23rd at 4pm by Zoom

February 20th at 4pm 

Questions from member attendees – There are no non-board members in attendance.

The meeting adjourned to In Camera at 6:00 pm